"Madoff Scheme Kept Rippling Outward, Across Borders"
Usually when people invest money in a charity, they feel that they can trust their investment with the person in charge. But in the Madoff Investment Scandal, this was not true. In the beginning of this scandal, Benard Madoff started taking amounts of money from charities. Eventually, he started to take money from country club investments. His scandals slowly started to grow. Has they grew, he and other investors went international. Madoff and his investors first targeted Europe, then moved to Asia. By the time all of his scandals were complete, fifty billion dollars were not accounted for, leaving investers broke.
Overall, I feel that any type of investment scandal is ridiculous (with the lack of a better term.) I feel that it should be very hard for people to act as greedy as Madoff and his investors did. Stealing money from charities and other non-profitable organizations is truly a heartless act. I find it very hard to reason why a person would do such a thing.
Megan, you are absolutely correct this is a very heartless thing to do. I believe that non-profitable organizations will have to change how they keep their financial information now due to this scandal. It is absurd that this amount of money could just disapear. I think that it should be necessary for companies to have multiple people people able to access the financial information. Madoff is truly a sick man. This is a very sad case!
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# عايز تعرف العهد اتصرفت ازاى واتصرفت حسب سياسه الشركة ولا لا
# وعايز تعمل حد صرف لعهد للموظفيين ومايصرفشى الا لما يسوى العهدة القديمة
# وتظهر كمان فى مخالصه الموظف لو ساب الشغل فى كشف حساب واحد
وكمان مشكله انك عايز تعرف مكان كل اصل وعهدة مين ؟؟؟؟
# وعايز تحصر كميات زى الحديد للقواعد والسملات والاعمدة والاسقف مجمع او كل بند لوحدة فى خطوة بسيطة ؟؟
# مش عارف تحلل المصروفات و الايردات والموقف المالى لكل مشروع علشان تعرف مدى ربحيه كل مشروع عندك وتعرف تاخد قرار
# عايز تراقب المخازن كلها لو عندك اكتر من مخزن او عندك مخزن لكل مشروع وتقيم المخزون فى اى وقت ؟؟؟
# وتعرف كمان حجم المشتريات لصنف محدد او كل الاصناف وتعرف متوسط اسعار الشراء لكل مشروع
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